Looking to unload that old phone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer? Three newly opened Twin Cities stores pay for such unwanted hardware but will be choosy about what gear they accept. These outlets, all Device Pitstop franchises, are part of a Minnesota-based chain with 11 stores around the nation. Six more, including two in the Twin Cities, are set to open in the near future. Device Pitstop is mostly focused on buying computer and mobile-device hardware with the goal of reselling it. It emphasizes convenience, with cash on the spot, and will not necessarily match prices quoted by such online gear-purchase services as Gazelle, said Chad Olson, who operates the chain with his father Ron. “We are obviously in the business to make money,” Olson noted. “We might take some stuff for parts, but we prefer it in working condition.” Device Pitstop also provides device-repair services, such as replacement of shattered phone or tablet screens, with roughly 30 percent of its business devoted to such work. The three new metro-area stores are at 13732 83rd Way, Maple Grove, 2950 White Bear Ave., Maplewood, and 1603 County Rd. 42, Burnsville. The coming stores are in Edina and Eden Prairie. The Device Pitstop chain is property of Minnetonka-based NTY Franchise Co., which founded and still operates the first Device Pitstop location in Minnetonka. Chad Olson is NTY’s chief operating officer while his father is the organization’s CEO. NTY Franchise Company also oversees a number of other retail-franchise brands. One of these, New Uses, buys and sells household appliances, furnishings and other items. Three other brands — Clothes Mentor, NTY Clothing Exchange, and Children’s Orchard — apply the same business model to apparel for various age groups.
Chad Olson and Ron Olson standing in Device Pitstop store with large logo on a sign behind them
Chad Olson (left) and his father, Ron, oversee a chain of Device Pitstop franchise stores that buy and sell used computers and mobile devices, and also provide device-repair services. Three Device Pitstop stores are opening in the Twin Cities, for a total of four, with two more on the way. (NTY Franchise Co.)