Like Mother, Like Daughter at Children’s Orchard Manhattan Beach

It’s all about family at Children’s Orchard in Manhattan Beach, CA. Click here to read more about the family-owned franchise in The Beach Report.

Children's Orchard Manhattan Beach

Text and photo from The Beach Reporter

“I grew up in retail; my dad was in retail in Philadelphia,” Mintz explained. “So I was familiar with the business, although I come from a marketing background, and my daughters also came from public relations and marketing.”

That marketing background has paid off in terms of building their business, and so does Mintz’s daughter Cindy’s FIDM fashion degree.

“She decorates the store, and she’s great at putting outfits together for customers. That’s her favorite thing to do,” Mintz said.

Children’s Orchard has a selection that pleases both shoppers and sellers.

“I think because of where we are located in Manhattan Beach, we get wonderful brands, and we are able to price them very reasonably for shoppers. It’s a good experience for both our shoppers and the people who sell to us, Mintz said. “Sellers can benefit even further with the 30 percent or more in store credit we offer them, so that they can shop here very reasonably. The whole idea is to take advantage of trading in an item that isn’t needed and buy something that is. It seems to work for everybody.”


The shop frequently offers unique, one of a kind items such as a recent sale: a child’s BBQ replete with a grille and skewers for little ones to use.

Click here to check out more from The Beach Reporter.

Interview with COO Chad Olson Featured in USA Weekly

If you could go back in time, what business advice would you tell your younger self? Chad Olson, COO of NTY Franchise Company, shares what he has learned and more in this excerpt from USA Weekly.

Starting a business is a big achievement for many entrepreneurs, but maintaining one is the larger challenge. There are many standard challenges that face every business whether they are large or small. It is not easy running a company, especially in a fast-paced, ever-changing business world. Technology advances, new hiring strategies, and now, political changes coming with the new administration, all add to the existing business challenges that entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives have to deal with.

Maximizing profits, minimizing expenses and finding talented staff to keep things moving seem to be top challenges for both SMBs and large corporations. We have been interviewing companies from around the world to discover what challenges they are facing in their businesses. We also asked each company to share business advice they would give to a younger version of themselves.

Below is our interview with Chad Olson, COO at NTY Franchise Company:

What does your company do?

NTY Franchise Company Founded in 2006 by Ron Olson, NTY Franchise Company is the gold standard in resale franchising companies. NTY franchises five brands, all with a different focus: Clothes Mentor, Children’s Orchard, Device Pitstop, New Uses, and NTY Clothing Exchange. The brands are all resale-based and cover women’s designer fashions, children’s apparel and accessories, furniture and household goods, electronic sales and repair, and clothing for teens and young adults. All are great business opportunities with cutting-edge technology, unmatched support, and lucrative resale franchises. NTY Franchise Company has helped individuals to establish resale stores throughout the United States in many communities, and it has territories available to develop nationwide.

What is your role? What do you enjoy most about your role?

I am the COO of NTY Franchise Company. What I enjoy most about my role is working through the different challenges and opportunities that arise every day. There is constant problem solving and coaching opportunities and I am fortunate enough to hopefully make a difference. Our franchisees have invested a lot of money to open their business, achieve their goals of being their own boss and generate success. The thrill for me is having the opportunity to help them realize these goals.


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