CLOTHES MENTOR: Just One Franchise Article

Clothes Mentor was recently the subject of an article written by, a website that highlights different franchise opportunities around the country. The article takes a look at profit margins in the retail clothing industry, and compares standard clothing franchises to the Clothes Mentor resale clothing franchise. What they found was a franchise that had changed the profit margin numbers to give a bigger return for the investment.

The article also focuses on Clothes Mentor’s Cash on the Spot program. Unlike normal consignment shops, customers are paid cash in hand for their items when they bring them in, not when they sell. This simplified process provides instant gratification to the customers looking to sell their clothing. This is but one of the many factors that makes Clothes Mentor such a fantastic franchise opportunity.

The full article is sourced below, and the original can be found on the America’s Best Franchise Blog – Just One Franchise: Clothes Mentor.


Just One Franchise: Clothes Mentor

In 2011, Forbes took a close look at net profit margins in various retail industries to find out just how well businesses were doing. Despite gains, pretax net profit margins were hovering at just around 5% for clothing retail stores and luxury goods were at just under 6%. If you’re looking into a business, these might seem like completely dismal numbers. One franchise system, Clothes Mentor, is looking to change the profit margins game to make their franchises more profitable.

Most clothing retailers have gross profit margins of 30-40% on individual items of clothing which involve complex processes of appropriate price predictions and markdowns until all the stock is sold. Clothes Mentor, however, wants to help franchisees gain gross profit margins in the 60% range—that’s 20% more than the highest profit margins for ordinary clothing retailers. Clothes Mentor is a resale shop, so they have a completely different situation from your average local clothing store. Clothing stores are earning net profits of around 5%, but Clothes Mentor franchisees can earn 25% net profits through the Clothes Mentor franchise system. The only other industry that comes close to that amount of profitability is oil and gas at 24.1%.

The system is based on like-new and gently used clothing that can be sold at lower than retail price to customers. Clothes Mentor specializes in women’s fashions for all sizes, from 0 on up, and has a wide appeal to women looking to save money on the latest hot fashions. While it might seem farfetched that franchisees can make such high profit margins, Clothes Mentor franchisees have already achieved this goal.

Clothes Mentor is not a consignment shop. Consignment shops typically have much lower margins. While they represent less risk for owners, they also have lower profit and more headaches.

Customers can sell name-brand clothing to Clothes Mentor locations on the spot for cash anytime when the store is open. Selling customers can even then turn around and take that money to buy clothing in franchisee’s stores. Because Clothing Mentor’s stock changes rapidly between visits, there’s always something new and that keeps customers coming back, especially those who want to score a good bargain on lower than retail priced brand clothing.

The unique POS system helps franchisees manage their business to find the best profits and to price clothing correctly to sell immediately, instead of having to go through a series of markdowns. The buyback system also has integrated technology to keep Clothes Mentor’s locations stocked at the right price with the latest fashions in women’s clothing to capture sales in the moment. Instead of having to predict trends months in advance like other clothing retailers, Clothes Mentor can respond to trends immediately.

On top of a business model made for profitability, Clothes Mentor franchisees receive support and training from the corporate team that makes Clothes Mentor a full-service and support franchise. After signing contracts, Clothes Mentor franchisees go through extensive retail training with the goal of running a profitable franchise.

CLOTHES MENTOR: Changing Seasons

As we drift closer to the autumnal season, the clothes that we have grown fond of in the summer will be put away in favor of new, fall fashions. But there’s no need to just let those clothes sit away for months on end! Bring you summer clothes to Clothes Mentor, and trade your summer styles in for new fall fashions! With the dawning of the new season, we want to welcome you in to find the fall fashions you need!

Clothes Mentor product photos brown shirt with tan scarf and denim skirt, dark-green top with jeans and green scarf, taupe purse, three pairs of boots, two black and one light tan

Light jackets, sweaters, new jeans, scarves, and more can all be found here at Clothes Mentor. You can trade in your bright, summer colors for the warm tones that come with the fall season. And remember, Clothes Mentor has an excellent selection of handbags & purses, jewelry, shoes, boots, and more to help you migrate your closet into the new time of year.

Stay fashion forward with Clothes Mentor, and go from frugal to fabulous!