Cleanse Your Closet and Earn Cash at Clothes Mentor South Windsor

Have you done the closet cleanse? Get on board with this decluttering trend and earn some extra money, too! Find out more in this article from, which features Clothes Mentor South Windsor:

Do the ‘Closet Cleanse’

Besides shedding pounds, local families are shedding their closets for cash – a trending New Year’s Resolution sweeping our town and the entire nation.  The trend is called the Closet Cleanse – trading in all those clothes you don’t wear anymore to upscale resale stores for cash on the spot.

Consider This:

  1. Americans are expected to spend more than $655 billion dollars this holiday season, leaving many with a post-holiday financial hangover.
  2. Each of us spent about $935 dollars for the holidays– up sharply from $830 each last year
  3. Resale is now a $12 billion dollar business and increasingly Americans of all income-brackets are trading in their closets for cash

How to Take the Closet Cleanse

Upscale resale stores like Clothes Mentor, a national franchise with a store in our area, buys gently used name brand women’s clothes and accessories for cash on the spot. Transactions typically take less than 20 minutes, and most stores will donate items they aren’t able to buy to local charities that help the community.

Farnosh finds cash in her closet!

Farnosh Kamali dropped 50 pounds and was ready to say goodbye to clothes that didn’t fit any more. She didn’t want to throw out clothes that were still in good shape, so took her gently used items to the local Clothes Mentor in South Windsor, Conn. She walked in with a few armloads of clothes, and walked away with $247 in cash!

“It took about two days to go through my closet, but getting paid cash this time of year was totally worth it!” she said.

Clothes Mentor Tips for Turning Closet Clutter into Cash

  1. If you’re not sure what to get rid of, use the six month rule. If you haven’t worn it in six months, let it go!
  2. Upscale resale retailers want current fashion, so make sure your items have been in style in the past few years.
  3. Items should be free of wear, tear and stains.
  4. Cleanliness counts, so wash your clothes before attempting to sell them.
  5. Save time on the transaction. Many resale stores require a valid ID to get started, so bring it along. Also, have an idea if you want cash or credit toward a purchase in the store.

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