Can You Make Money Selling Used Women’s Fashions?

Hear answers to this frequently asked question from several Clothes Mentor franchisees from across the country:

Women’s Clothing Resale = Big Opportunities 

Do you love fashion? Have you ever dreamed of owning your own women’s resale fashion boutique but never knew where to start? 

Maybe you’ve been told by friends and family that there is no money in owning a women’s fashion resale franchise or that inventory is too expensive. 

We are here to tell you that this is not the case, in fact, the exact opposite is true: There is a lot of money to be made in the women’s clothing resale space! 

We interviewed several current Clothes Mentor owners to find out exactly how much money can be made in this booming industry. Watch the short video above to find out more about following your dreams and owning your own women’s clothing resale franchise.